Monday 23 September 2019

3 Paragraph Story

Image result for fish island pobble

Day 1: Fish Island

Gracefully, on a warm sunny day, the sinister elephantine fish swam in the tropical lake. What he really didn't notice was the giant farm on top of his back. The same time the farm people started to move but they didn't notice soon after, They were really moving. They could see ripples forming in the water below. Would they make it stop? Soon after they also saw the fish one of the children got a knife and dropped it down on the fish. The fish thew water at them to get of farm they were sinking

Show not tell=
Past ones prime, worldly wise yet tired Joe staggers wobbly with wrinkled legs in other words Joe is old.
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Day 2 The Rickety Bridge

Recklessly, one of the children survived but everything else was gone, her home ,her family ,her toys and clothes. In the middle of a lonely tropical lake a little girl lays in the water struggling to keep herself alive she lands on a dry forest. By 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock she has been savagely looking for something to eat. In the forest were lots of weird sound(scary sounds) when she peeks in the bushes the girl hears a twig snap she cautiously takes big steps back then a fierce wolf comes out to feed on its prey. She runs like there was no tomorrow (which was going to happen) she found a brick wall and banged it hard everywhere. Then a small door opened and she ran through it. Then she saw the most old bridge in the world it must have been 2000 years old to be this wobbly the wolf was following  her trace she had no choice. This was the only way out. There was no turning back now. She fearlessly crossed the overly aged bridge that was leaning on one side and was about to fall any second. 
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Day 3: The Magic Tree

Mysteriously, the frightened girl went past the bridge but she was confused. There was a barren valley with bones covering the ground and the sky was black. But something else caught her sight it was a tree not just any tree. This tree was different to other trees. It contained magic. It had wrinkled branches and dusty orange leaves like no other. The poor girl was in a spell which causes her to approach the beautiful illusion she pushes her legs towards the tree she remembers her mothers saying "you'll never know unless you try it". Finally her legs stop and wait for a minute then they jump in the portal along with the rest of her body. Sad things happen in life like accidentally walking in a valley called THE VALLEY OF DEATH and being cast in a spell by a bunch of bones the climbing in the tree of death and vanishing in the pile bones just know you are the bones.  

Friday 20 September 2019

Day 3 The Ghostly Shadow

Image result for Day 3 The Ghostly Shadow

Bravely, the committed man continued to journey down the never ending lane that was clearly fulfilled with the thickest of thick fog. The scary darkened trees consume the white fog. When the fog clears just a bit there is a shadow in the horizon. Of a man but no sound and no movements. One second you saw it, the next you didn't. What would the man do to overcome his fears of the shadow

Thursday 19 September 2019

Day 2 The Arctic Journey

Recklessly, the powerful 
Siberian huskies ran the weak lake behind them dragging their owner who was on the most comfy sleigh. The husky leader didn't suspect a thing when he heard  a squeak  surely he heard the next CRACK but noooo  he didn't.  The ground beneath him started to shatter. The amount of  husky's was too much for the extremely weak lake the ground broke and swallowed the ten husky's and the owner savagely and they all drowned. 

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Art 2019

This term we have been learning to do some wonderful Picasso art which is really fun and we made some mistakes but mistake don't ruin anything with Picasso. We have also Picasso colouring's and coloured them with pastel we separated their faces with colours it was cool. In choose Tuesday i did sewing and we sewed pillows and donuts it was the most fun. We last did a class art piece we did the sun with vines and bird coming here are some pictures

Day 1 The Greatest Library

Today we are writing about The greatest Library picture. We are learning to use -ly sentence is the picture
Image result for the greatest library pobble

Anxiously, she took a step through the tunnel and found herself in an unusual place with millions of books. A normal place with hundreds of shelf's is a library but this had flying books...This was no ordinary library. She found a chair which no one had been on she took the precious advantage of siting her aching body since she went through the dark tunnel. As she sat she spotted her favourite book that her mother used to read her. her nose was always stuck in that book for hours but now forever.