Friday 19 June 2020

Bradley's letter to Carla

This week I finished my letter to Carla I really liked making it with a lot of information from the book. I especially liked the book I like how it has many twists and turns. Have you ever tried this type of letter? Here is the letter!

Dear Carla 

Thank you for your book, I really like it but I don't like you. I thought you were my best friend but you’re not, you’re a big liar, you lied to me, you left when everything was going good. I hope you have sinked in quicksand, I will never forget what you have done.

I didn't come and help you because you hurt me more than anyone I know (and because I was too late), I trusted you...but you threw that trust away.
I promise I will never think about your lying…*sniff* face AGAIN!

I ripped that paper for a reason to be put in a stupid bin NOT to be given to a teacher, I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate YOU!!! And you're not the boss of me. I will continue ripping papers and books and guess what I don't CARE, I will never ever marry you! 

I used to be a pleasure seeing you but your greetings are no longer valid, I hope you understand im depressed and sad, I miss you (And your crazy tops)

All the love,

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